Abs J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2002 110(3) 357-65

Smallpox vaccination: Risk considerations for patients with atopic dermatitis.

Engler RJ, Kenner J, Leung DY.

Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Allergy-Immunology Department, Washington, DC, USA.

As the threat of bioterrorism with pathogenic microbes such as smallpox virus (Variola major) increases, the question of widespread voluntary vaccination with smallpox (vaccinia) vaccines is being carefully considered. A major challenge lies in the ability to protect the population from the disease while minimizing the considerable side effects from the vaccine. Individuals with active or quiescent atopic dermatitis are at increased risk for vaccinia complications. The nature of these complications and other considerations are summarized in this rostrum.

PMID: 12209080 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]